12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 9 - Oblique Crunches

Happy Day 9 of the Fitness Challenge, everyone!  You're on the home stretch now!  Check in with yourself - have you been keeping up with the exercises every day?  If so, pat yourself on the back for a job well done!  That's awesome!  If not, why not?  Have things been too difficult?  Have you not had enough time?  If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with piling on a few exercises in rapid succession in one sitting to catch up!  Get yourself moving and you never know how much MORE you might get done!

Okay, now onto today's challenge exercise: oblique crunches.  Yesterday we focused a lot on our legs with some cardio mixed in for good measure.  Today, we're going to bring the focus back to our abs.  There are three different variations ranging from low to high intensity.  They're described below.  Pick one to start with that will challenge your core, and adjust as needed.  If you start with option 1 and feel that it might be too easy, bump it up to option 2 or 3.  If you start with option 3 and it becomes too much for you, take it down to option 2 or even option 1 if you need a break.  

Tips for today:

  • Do whatever intensity option feels best. 
  • Try to max out on these today - go until you can't get yourself up any longer.
  • Once you've maxed out on one side, switch to the other side and repeat.
  • Breathing technique is important here as with any other exercise: breathe OUT as you crunch UP; breathe IN as you lower yourself back down.


  • Start on one side, legs extended, top hand behind your ear, and bottom arm extended out as shown below, A.
  • Lift and bend the top leg as you crunch up to bring your top elbow to meet that knee, keeping the lower leg on the floor throughout the movement.  Prop yourself up on your forearm as you crunch up (shown below, B).
  • Extend back down (slowly!) to start.

Option 1: low intensity - bring your top elbow to your top knee, keeping one leg on the ground.

option 2: medium intensity

  • Start in the same position as above.
  • This time, bring both legs off the ground, bending both knees.  You'll be propped up on your hip and your forearm.  As with Option 1, bring your top elbow to meet your top knee, as shown below, D.
  • Extend back down (slowly!) to start.

Option 2: medium intensity - bring both legs off the floor bending the knees, bringing your top elbow to top knee.

option 3: higher intensity

  • Start in the same side-lying position as above.
  • Similar to option 2, bring both legs off the floor, this time keeping them as straight as you can.  Prop yourself up on your forearm and bring your top elbow to your top knee, shown below, F.
  • Extend back down (slowly!) to start.

Option 3: high intensity: bring both legs off the floor keeping them as straight as you can, bringing your top elbow to top knee.

Good luck and let me know how you do!  Remember to focus on your breathing here - it will get oxygen to that core and will help you get through a few more reps.  Happy crunching!  Until tomorrow, have a healthy and happy day ahead. :)