Fitness Friday 3/6

I had the realization the other day that it's already March.  Sounds silly, but think about it.  Can you believe it's already 3 months into 2015?!  Do you remember what your resolutions are for this year?  If fitness was on the list in some capacity, take the time to check in with yourself and make sure you're staying active.  Here's a mini workout to keep you on track:

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.


3 rounds, 3x today

Leg Sweeps - sit on the floor with one knee bent (heel near your rear), and the other leg out straight.  Hands can grasp the bent knee if needed.  Lift the straight leg so it's hovering over the floor, and sweep it out to the side.  Bring it back in, keeping it straight the whole time, and don't let it touch the floor.  Do this for each leg, one at a time.

Close-Arm Push Ups - like regular pushups, but keep your elbows close by your sides the entire time.  Trainer Tip: make this easier by dropping to your knees.

Scissors - a great ab-ercise!  Lie down with legs out straight keeping them hovered over the ground slightly.  Lift one leg up straight in the air so your legs form an "L" - hold for a few seconds, then switch.  Trainer Tip: If your lower back starts to give you trouble, place your hands underneath it for support.

Remember, these mini workouts are specifically designed for you to do anywhere - at home, at the office, or wherever you find yourself throughout your day.  Save the images to your phone or tablet and you can have them with you at all times in case you need a boost!  Hope you all have a fun and active weekend! :)