Fitness Friday 4/10

Back to the regular Fitness Friday style this week - a full body mini workout to target all the major muscle groups... Lets get the blood pumping today!  Who's ready??

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.


3 rounds, 3x today

Step-out Squats - start in a standing position, hands either on hips, or extended out in front of you.  Step to one side, squatting down as you step.  Return to start.  You can either do all squats on one leg first, or my preference, is to alternate sides as you go.  Get low and work those glutes and quads!

Wide-arm Push Ups - just like they sound.  Start in a push up position, but keep your arm stance wide.  What's wide?  Wider than shoulder width.  This will really target your chest muscles now, more than a regular push up.  Remember as always, if you need to you can drop down to your knees, but keep those hands wide.

Side Hip Raises - start in a side plank position, either on your elbow or up on your hand, with your feet stacked.  Raise your hips up as high as you can and hold for a few seconds.  Return to start for 1 rep.  Repeat all reps on one side before moving to the other.

Sweating yet?  Hope so!  Snap a picture and share with the #FitnessFriday community on social media!

Here's to the weekend (almost)!  Any fun weekend plans?  What are you doing to stay active?