Fitness Friday 4/3: AMRAP Edition

Happy Friday everyone!  #FitnessFriday gets a special edition post today!  In case you missed my first post about AMRAP workouts, AMRAP stands for AMany Rounds APossible, where you try to get in as many rounds of a set of exercises as you can in a given time.  For this workout, it'll be 90 seconds.  Ready??   Look below for what to do...

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.

right-click on the image to save it to your mobile device, or click the "Pin" button to pin it.


Set your timers for 90 seconds and get through as many rounds as you can.  Do this 3x today.

Jump Lunges - these have been posted before, but here they are again, a great quad and glute exercise!  Start in a lunge position and propel yourself up into the air, switching legs mid-jump, and land back down on the opposite side you started on.  Keep alternating jumps.

In & Outs - sit down on the floor, legs extended with hands by your sides, elbows on the ground, chest up.  Bring your knees to your chest, using your abdominals to pull your legs in.  Your elbows should come off the ground, but hands stay planted.  If you want to increase the intensity, take your hands off the floor and extend them overhead.

Push Ups - you know these by now. =P  Feel free to do them from your knees if you're having trouble or need to decrease the intensity after a while.

I'd love to hear how many rounds you get through today!  Remember to do this 3x, and try to get at least one more round in each time you do it!  Push yourself.  You can do this!