Wednesday Warmup 5/13: AMRAP Edition to Make You Smile (and Sweat!)

Good morning and happy Wednesday!  How are you all doing today?  I've encountered a lot of people struggling with motivation recently, including myself, which is why I posted these quotes yesterday for a little encouragement.  I've decided to include a positive, uplifting quote at the end of some of my posts now to help get you going and give you (and myself!) a push in the right direction.  We all need someone in our corner sometimes, so know that I am rooting for you every step of the way.  (No really, I am!)

Now, onto today's workout... remember, getting the blood coursing through your body and a good sweat going in the morning (or any time of the day, really) is a GREAT way to combat stress, anxiety, and feelings of depression.  So give this AMRAP workout a try today and see how you feel when you're done.  My hope: better than when you started!

Wednesday Warmup Workout 5-13


Wednesday Warmup 5/13

Set your timer for 3 minutes for each AMRAP.  Get through as many rounds as you can during that time.


Glute Bridge Leg Raises - lie on your back, hands by your side, knees bent with feet flat on the floor.  Raise your pelvis off the floor and extend one leg out straight so it hovers over the floor.  From here, lift that leg as high as you can, keeping it straight, and your pelvis raised.  Lower it back down.  Keep that pattern going for 10 reps on one leg, then immediately switch to the other leg without dropping down to the floor.

Side Kick Squats - start in a squat position, and press up onto one leg.  As you press to standing, extend the other leg out into a side kick.  Lower it back down to the floor and immediately squat again.  Then raise up onto the other leg and perform a side kick on the other side.  Repeat that pattern for 20 reps (each squat + kick = 1 rep).

Runner Stance Heel Touches - crouch down on your left leg, hands on the ground, right leg extended back behind you, toes lightly touching the floor.  (All your weight should be on the right leg here.)  From here, bring your right leg in so your toes meet the heel of your left foot.  Extend the right leg back out, tap your toes again, and bring it back in to meet you heel.  Continue that pattern for 10 reps, then switch sides.


Slow/Fast Leg Extensions - we did this one in my group ex class last night and it worked great!  Lie on your back (hands under your butt for support if you need it), legs extended out hovering over the floor, abs engaged.  In one fluid motion, bring your knees to your chest, then extend your legs straight up, then lower them back down to hovering over the floor.  Hover for 1-2 seconds then repeat.  Each sequence is 1 rep.  Continue for 15 reps total.

Kneeling Lean Backs - kneel on the ground, butt off your heels, arms crossed over your chest forming an X.  From here, lean back slightly so you engage your abs, keeping your spine in one straight line as you lean.  Hold the position for 1-2 seconds, then go back to start.  Repeat that for 10 reps.

Reach-Through Crunches - just like they sound, you're going to lie on your back, legs up in the air, feet together.  From here, simultaneously straddle the legs, and reach though your legs, using your abs to get your upper back off the floor.  Repeat that for 15 reps.


Decline Push Ups - find a sturdy chair or couch and plank out with your feet raised.  Do a push up, being careful to keep the spine aligned.  (Think about pulling your belly button in to your spine to keep the core engaged.)  Try to get through 5 push ups.  Trainer Tip: if the decline is too much, do regular push ups with your feet on the ground.

Raised Tricep Dips - we also did these in a recent group ex class that I took Monday night, and wow they were killer!  Give them a try... use that same chair or couch and place your heels on it, lifting your butt up off the floor, hands supporting you with your fingers facing toward your feet.  Dip yourself down using your arms only (i.e. your hips/butt should NOT dip, only your arms should be moving).  Get through 5 dips.

Sphinx Push Ups - they sound a lot scarier than they are, promise!  Get into a push up position from your knees, and lower yourself down so you're propped up on your forearms.  From here, press through your hands to raise yourself up so your arms are straight and chest is elevated.  Lower yourself back down to start.  Do this 5 times.

As promised, I'll leave you with today's motivating quote.  I challenge you to cheer someone else up today, and share this post with someone who needs a boost...

Cheer Somebody Else Up

Readers: chat with me!  How did that workout go for you?  Did you feel like you could tackle the day once you got done?  Also, do you like the motivating quote idea at the end of the blog posts?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!
