3 (More) Motivational Quotes to Get You Through the Week

3 (More) Motivational Quotes to Inspire You Through the Work Week

Hi everyone!  Quick post today to share a few more quotes I've come across recently that I really like.  (If you missed my last motivational quote post, check it out here.)  But first, the winner of the Aurorae Candle giveaway is up!  Congratulations, Serena on your win!  You should receive an email with more details and next steps.  Woo hoo!  Thank you all for entering and visiting the blog!  If you liked that giveaway, there will be more soon.  Aurorae has kindly offered to sponsor ANOTHER giveaway for U.S. readers, this time with a set of resistance bands!  And I have a few more in the works, so stay tuned for those in the coming weeks.  Okay, now onto the motivation...

Life is about having to change

I couldn't agree more.  There have been so many times in my life where I was completely uncertain of how a particular decision was going to play out, but ultimately, everything has worked out pretty well.  If I hadn't taken those few extra summer courses in college, I wouldn't have graduated on time, moved to RI, found my passion for fitness, and wouldn't be pursuing this as my career.  (Silly example, but it's so true, and something that runs across my mind from time to time.)  If you really think about it, sometimes life just works out.  All the little moments where you were unsure where a particular road was going to lead, has led you to where you are today.  Everything has added up to the bigger picture.  And THAT'S a beautiful thing.  

Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere wholeheartedly

I'm a believer in doing things with purpose and passion, really "going for it" and not looking back.  I've had many "lets go for it" moments, but one of the biggest was when I decided to venture out into making fitness and healthy lifestyle education my career.  I remember hitting the submit button on my group fitness instructor materials and not looking back.  I went for it wholeheartedly because it is something I am so passionate about, and I don't have any regrets or reservations about doing so.  (In fact, I will be pursuing additional certifications in the very near future!)  I hope there is an area in your own life that you can look at with such conviction and purpose that you are happy, unreserved, and fulfilled.

Another good one that I really believe.  If you're not happy with your life, then your story isn't over.  Even if you ARE happy, your story still has telling to do.  Keep going, keep pursuing your passions, and don't give up.  Don't stop short of your story being heard.  That's my plan.

Readers: chat with me!  I'd love to hear what your favorite motivating quotes are!  What inspires you to keep going day in and day out?  What's something in your life that, when you look back on it now, you realize has led you to where you are?