Strength + Cardio Total Body Circuit Workout (no equipment!)

Strength + Cardio Total Body Circuit Workout | In Fitness and In Health

I'm really excited about sharing today's workout with you because this is a format I've been teaching for a while now at Life Time Athletic, and I LOVE it!  At Life Time, the class is called C9 Challenge, and we typically use dumbbells and resistance bands for equipment.  Today's workout is all bodyweight though, so it's PERFECT for those of you going on vacation who are in need of a killer sweat sesh with no equipment!

I love this format because it's over and done in about 45 minutes (with a warm up and cool down), and it goes by SO quickly!  The format goes as follows: 3 blocks of exercises, and in each block there are 3 moves targeting the upper body, lower body, and abs, all done for 1 minute each and repeated 3 times through.  So it's a 3x3x3 workout, if you will.  Each block ends with 1 minute of a cardio move before you go onto the next block.  You ready to bring the heat??  Let's get going!

Strength + Cardio Total Body Circuit Workout | In Fitness and In Health

Strength + Cardio Total Body Circuit Workout

What You'll Need: just a mat, a timer, and yourself!  And maybe a water bottle and sweat towel. ;)
What You'll Do: time each exercise for 1 minute, completing each circuit 3 times through.  After each circuit, complete the cardio move for that circuit (shown below) for 1 minute.  After the cardio burst, rest for 1 minute before moving onto the next circuit.

CIRCUIT 1 (x 3)

Regular Push Up to Pike Push Up - start in a regular push up position and do 1 push up (shown).  Then walk your hands back toward your feet so your body forms a V (shown).  Look back at your feet and do 1 pike push up, bringing the crown of your head to the floor.  Walk your hands back out to a regular push up position and do another regular push up concentrating on lowering your chest to the floor and keeping your entire body straight.

Curtsey Lunge to Step Back Lunge (alternate legs each round; last round = 30/30) - start with your left foot planted on the floor, and bring your right leg behind and back to the left in a curtsey lunge.  From here, staying low in the transition, bring both feet together and then step back in a regular lunge on the same leg (i.e. right leg steps back).  Keep that pattern going for the full minute.  Switch legs for the second minute, and the last minute do each side for 30 seconds.

10 Knee Presses + 10-second Hold - start in a supine position with your knees bent at a 90˚ angle, knees in line with hips (as shown).  Lift your upper back off the mat slightly, and press your hands into your knees and knees back into your hands to engage your abs.  Press and release 10 times, making sure to really engage your abs with each press.  After 10 presses, hold the press in for 10 seconds.  Keep that pattern going for the full minute.

- repeat circuit 1 two more times -

Circuit 1 Cardio: high low jabs (shown below) - start in a low squat facing one side and punch out to the side in a jab.  Propel yourself up in a high jump and as you rise, jab again.  Land back down in that squat and jab, and then jump up again and jab.  Do each side for 30 seconds, focusing on hard punches and recruiting your quads & glutes for the jumps.

high low jabs

CIRCUIT 2 (x 3)

Swimmer Pulls - start lying down on your stomach in a Superman position with legs and arms raised.  From here, extend both arms out straight (as shown), and then pull them back slowly so your shoulder blades come together.  Squeeze your back here for a second, then release back to starting position with arms out straight.  Keep the pulls and squeezes going for the full minute.

Lunge + Kick Sequence (alternate sides each round; last round = 30/30) - start standing and step forward with your right leg into a forward lunge (shown).  Get as low as you can.  Push yourself back up to standing and immediately do 1 front kick on the right leg (shown).  Then step out to the right into side lunge (shown).  Push yourself back up and immediately kick that leg out into a side kick (shown).  Now step your right foot back into a backward lunge (shown), push back up, and do 1 back kick on the right (shown).  Keep the pattern going on the right leg for the full minute, then switch to the left for second round and do each side for 30 seconds in the last round.

Birddog Plank + Crunch (30/30) - start in a high plank extending your right arm and left leg out straight in birddog position (shown).  Hold this position for 2 seconds, actively engaging your abs.  From here, bring your elbow and knee in to meet in the middle, exhaling and bracing your abs at tight as possible.  Extend back out without letting the right hand and left foot to touch the ground.  Hold the plank for another 2 seconds, then bring your elbow and knee in together.  Keep the motion going for 30 seconds on one side, then switch for the next 30.  Take it slow!

- repeat circuit 2 two more times -

Circuit 2 Cardio: Up & Over Jump Lunges (shown below) - start in a low lunge on one side, reaching your hands toward the ground (as shown).  From here, push off your legs to get height in the jump, and reach up and over to the other side, landing in a lunge on your other leg (shown).  Keep alternating jumps side to side for 1 minute, focusing on loading the jump, then exploding upwards. 

alternating jump lunges

CIRCUIT 3 (x 3)

Tricep Dip Toe Reach - start with your feet and hands flat on the ground, butt raised slightly off your mat (shown).  Bend your elbows to lower yourself down so your butt touches the mat.  Push back up to starting position, and extend one arm and the opposite leg to meet in the middle, reaching for your toes (shown).  Go back down in a tricep dip, and as you come up, extend the other arm and leg up.  Keep that pattern going for the full minute.

Single Leg Glute Bridge - start supine with one leg raised in the air, the other foot flat on your mat, arms by your sides.  Pushing through your heel, raise your hips up as high as you can, lifting your butt off your mat, and squeeze your glutes at the top.  Lower back down to starting position.  I'll give you the option here of either doing each side for 30 seconds, or staying on one side for the full minute, then switching for round 2, and 30/30 in round 3.  Up to you!

Toe Reach to Leg Lower - staying in that supine position, raise your legs up straight, bottoms of your feet toward the ceiling, arms extended straight upwards as shown.  From here, reach for your toes lifting your upper back and shoulder blades off your mat as much as possible.  Lower yourself back down slowly, and while keeping your arms extended upwards, lower your legs toward the floor (but don't let your feet touch the ground!).  Raise them back up to start, and reach for your toes again.  Keep that pattern going for each minute.  Feel those abs!

- repeat circuit 3 two more times -

Circuit 3 Cardio: Side to Side Burpees (shown below) - start on one side of your mat and do 1 full burpee.  When you come back up to jump, simply hop over the mat and land on the other side.  Do 1 full burpee here, and hop back over to the other side.  Keep 'em going as quick as you can for the full minute.

side to side burpees

Woo baby!  How'd that workout go for you??  Are you feelin' the burn?  I love this circuit format because it really pushes you, and that cardio burst at the end is always a killer.  I hope you enjoyed the workout today, and if you haven't yet entered the GIVEAWAY from yesterday's post, make sure you do it before midnight tonight!! 

Wear It To Heart Leggings

Wearing: Teal Adder leggings & Mahalo bra c/o Wear It To Heart; Lululemon tank; New Balance sneakers

Readers: chat with me!  Do you add bodyweight workouts to your fitness regimen during the week?  How often do you work out at home or on the go and need a no equipment workout to bring with you?  How was your weekend?

[Terra Core Series] 30-Minute Upper Body + Cardio Tabata Challenge

[Terra Core Series] Upper Body + Cardio Tabata Challenge

It's time for another Terra Core workout today here on the blog!  You guys, I love love love this piece of equipment.  It's pretty much an all-in-one on the go gym that's so incredibly versatile.  If you haven't checked out my previous posts, read more about the Terra Core here in my intro, and if you're looking for another TC workout, try this 15-minute plyometric EMOM workout for your lower body. Reminder, you can get 15% off a Terra Core for yourself using code INFITINHEALTH here!

Today's workout is all about the arms and upper body, along with some sneaky cardio thrown in the mix.  I love the Tabata style of this workout because it really makes you push yourself, but you get that nice 10-second rest in too.  Ready to work up a sweat??  Here we go!

[Terra Core Series] 30-Minute Upper Body + Cardio Tabata Challenge | In Fitness and In Health

Upper Body + Cardio Tabata Challenge Workout

What You'll Need: the Terra Core trainer and some floor space.  If you don't have a Terra Core, you can substitute a kettlebell and a Bosu ball for the workout (mentioned in parentheses next to each exercise).
What You'll Do: each Tabata round consists of 20 second of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You'll do that 8 times through (totaling 4 minutes) for each move, before moving onto the next.  Set your timers and let's get to it!

Overhead Swings (substitute kettlebell swings) - this one is similar to a kettlebell swing, but you're using the Terra Core and swinging it all the way up over your head.  Hold the Terra Core dome side down, and firmly grip the side bars.  Start in a squat position, Terra Core between your legs, and swing it up over your head in one fluid motion, standing as you extend your arms overhead.  Swing it back down between your legs, lowering down into a squat position.  Keep the swings going for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break.  Do this for 8 rounds.

Hammer Curls (substitute kettlebell or dumbbells) - start standing, holding onto the 'power grip' handles on the underside of the Terra Core.  With arms fully extended to start, perform a bicep curl bringing the Terra Core up to chest level.  Repeat the curls for 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest x 8.

Push Up to Squat + Chest Press (substitute Bosu ball) - start with the Terra Core dome-side down on the ground, with a firm grip on the power grip handles.  Do 1 push up here, then in one quick motion, hop your feet up to meet your hands, and raise into a squat while picking up the Terra Core to chest level.  Maintaining the fluid motion still, press the Terra Core away from your chest and bring it back in immediately.  Reverse the motion back down into a plank, and go on to do another push up.  Keep going in this fashion for your 20/10 intervals x 8.

Upright Rows (substitute kettlebell) - start standing with the Terra Core perpendicular to your body, holding onto one of the bar handles with both hands, dome-side facing away from you.  Pull the Terra Core up toward your chin, flaring elbows out and keeping your shoulders down and back (i.e. not shrugged up towards your ears).  Lower back down to start.  Keep 'rowing' for 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest x 8 rounds.

Pike Push Up to Plank Step Down (substitute Bosu ball) - start with the Terra Core dome-side up on the ground.  Get into a pike position with your hands on the dome and do 1 pike push up, looking back towards your feet, lowering the crown of your head to the dome (shown).  Push back up, then lower your body into a plank position.  From here, step one arm down at a time in front of the Terra Core (shown) so you end up in a plank with the Terra Core underneath your stomach (shown).  Reverse that entire move, so you press yourself back up onto the Terra Core one arm at a time, raise your hips so you're back up in a pike, and perform another pike push up.  Keep going in this fashion for 20 seconds of work, then rest for 10, and back at it for 8 rounds total.

Switch Kick Tricep Dips (substitute Bosu ball) - flip the Terra Core over so it's dome-side down.  Start in front of it with your hands placed on the flat surface.  With one leg bent, and the other extended straight up, perform 1 tricep dip (shown).  Then press yourself back up, and as you do so, push off the foot that's on the ground, switching feet mid-air (shown), to land back down on the other leg (shown).  Do another tricep dip here, then repeat the switch kick.  Keep going for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 8.

Suitcase Carrys (substitute kettlebell) - start holding the Terra Core by one of the bar handles with the dome facing out.  Keeping your upper body in one vertical straight line, walk forward.  Your body will want to compensate for the uneven load by leaning over to the side that isn't holding the Terra Core.  The key is to engage your abdominal muscles and trunk to keep your spine vertical.  Keep walking forwards (and turn around to go back the way you came) for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 8.  Alternate sides each round. 

Whew!  How'd that workout go for you?  Hopefully you worked up a sweat and are feelin' the burn in your upper body! 

Readers: chat with me!  Have you tried out the Terra Core yet?  If not, do you think it's a piece of equipment you would like to use?  What about Tabata workouts?  How do you like those?  What was everyone up to this weekend?  How are you planning to stay active this week?

[Terra Core Series] 15-Minute Plyometric EMOM Workout

[Terra Core Series] 15-Minute Plyometric EMOM Workout | In Fitness and In Health

Happy Friday to you!  I've been so excited for today because I get to share the first workout in my new Terra Core workout series on the blog!  If you haven't yet caught the rundown on what this awesome piece of equipment is, check out my introduction post here from earlier this week.  I'm seriously in love and I think this is something everyone (yes, everyone!) needs to have in their home gym collection. 

But okay, onto the workout.  Today's workout is a new(er)-to-me-structure called EMOM, which stands for Every Minute On the Minute.  I learned about this time structure in a bootcamp class I took a few months ago and I love it because it's high intensity, with variable rest periods where the harder (read: faster) you work, the longer you get to rest.  The structure is explained below if you're new to this format.  Today's EMOM features almost all plyometric moves which will ramp up your heart rate and work your lower body all at once.  So grab your Terra Core (or a Bosu*) and clear some floor space - let's do this!

[Terra Core Series] 15-Minute Plyometric EMOM Workout | In Fitness and In Health

15-Minute Plyometric EMOM Workout

What You'll Need: a Terra Core trainer* and a timer.  
*If you don't have a Terra Core (I highly recommend getting one - 15% discount with code INFITINHEALTH), you can do this workout on a Bosu ball, with a slight modification to the lateral walks (as described below).
What You'll Do: set your timer for 15 minutes.  When it begins, start with exercise #1 and try to complete it as fast as you can within that first minute.  When you finish that exercise, the duration of that minute is time for rest (so the faster you finish, the more time you'll have to rest).  When minute 2 starts, move onto exercise #2, only resting for the duration of that minute.  Keep going with the exercises in this fashion for the full 15 minutes (you'll complete 3 5-minute rounds of the 5 exercises above).

20 Low Squat Jacks - get into a low squat position with your feet places on either side of the Terra Core.  From here, hop up onto the Terra Core maintaining the same upper body height (i.e. not standing up in either position).  Keep going for 20 (each hop on counts as 1). 

10 Lunge to Knee Drive Skips (each leg) - start in a lunge position with your front foot on top of the Terra Core.  From here, drive your back leg up toward your chest fast as you stand.  As your knee comes up, push off of the foot that's on the Terra Core to hop upward in a small skip.  Land back down, and reverse the move to a backward lunge (back into the position you started).  Go for 10 reps on each leg, moving quickly.

10 Lateral Squat Walks + Jump - start at one end of the Terra Core, with your inside foot resting on the edge.  From here, propel yourself upward in a jump (as shown in picture 1), pushing off both legs, but actively engaging your quads more in the leg that's raised.  Land back down with that foot on top of the Terra Core (2), and walk sideways across it, maintaining a low squat position (3, 4).  Once you reach the other side, jump again.  Now walk back the way you came.  Each pass across the Terra Core counts as 1 (or you can just count the number of jumps you do) - 10 total.  *A note on using the Bosu with this move: since the Bosu is circular, you won't have the surface area to actually walk across it, so simply step up and over, jumping on each side.

15 Reverse Burpees - these are one of my favorite moves to do on the floor for some leg work and cardio, but adding the Terra Core makes it both slightly easier and more challenging.  (Easier because you're elevated off the floor, so standing up is less of a challenge; harder because rolling back onto the unstable surface forces you to engage your abs a lot more to maintain balance.) Start standing with the Terra Core directly behind you length-wise.  Sit down on it, and roll back so your back is flat and feet are lifted off the ground (as shown).  From here, roll back up to a standing position, and in one motion, jump upward.  When you land, immediately roll back onto the Terra Core again.  Keep repeating that motion for 15 reps.

15 Plank Jacks - boy, these ones got to my quads a lot more than I thought they would!  Try to move quickly with these ones... start in a plank position with your body parallel to the Terra Core, hands on the ground and your feet elevated (as shown).  From here, hop your feet off, bending your knees as you land (shown).  Now push off your toes and hop back up onto the Terra Core, squeezing your quads and glutes.  Keep hopping on and off for 15 reps (each hop off counts as 1).  Trainer Tip: keep your abs engaged here, too.  Even though this will mainly work your quads, you'll want to maintain a neutral spine, which means sucking that belly button in and keeping those abs active.

Repeat 2 more times for the full 15-minute workout.

Whew!  You are DONE! I hope your legs are thanking you. Let me know how you liked the workout, whether you're trying it on the Terra Core or on a Bosu.  And reminder, you can get 15% off the Terra Core with code INFITINHEALTH.

Readers: chat with me!  Have you tried using the Terra Core yet?  What do you think?!  Have you ever done an EMOM workout before?  If so, how do you like them?  Do they challenge you to push yourself?  What's everyone up to this holiday weekend?