Making Time To Slow Down with Resveralife

Resveralife Review

Disclosure: While I was not paid to write this post, I was gifted these items by Resveralife for review here on the blog. I always keep it honest here, so all content, opinions, and images are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog!

It seems like everyone’s life is crazy busy… but I don’t need to tell any of you that. I could list all the reasons why my life has been insanely hectic recently (graduate school being number one), but that’s not the point of this post. Yes, all of us have a crazy number of to-dos, life demands, relationship demands, worries, stressors, etc. etc., it’s no wonder we’re all so strung out. It’s funny, I was sitting in the sauna recently and a woman (speaking to her friend about a meditation & yoga class) said, “It’s sad when we have to take a class to learn how to relax.” Ain’t that the truth.

But it really is true. We have to force ourselves to MAKE the time and space for calm, for slowing down. Grad school has been quite a challenge, but this last semester has me freaking out. I’ve never felt this sense of dread and imposter syndrome like I do now trying to develop my culminating research project. The mounting anxiety I have is almost paralyzing sometimes (and I’m normally a cool-headed person), so I’ve been purposefully taking a few minutes every night to lie down on the floor, close my eyes, breathe, and listen to calming music—a mini meditation if you will. I’ve also (slowly) been trying to reintroduce yoga into my routine. I’m not naturally drawn to it (Go strength! Lift all the weights!), but I am taking classes here and there to try to introduce calm. Given all of that, I was excited about the chance to review a few products that can certainly help with this relaxation vibe and create that calming space we sometimes need. Enter Resveralife.

Aromatherapy and Relaxation

Resveralife Essential Oil Diffuser

I was pretty pumped to try this essential oil diffuser. I’ve wanted to get into oils for a while, but I don’t want to walk around smelling like them, so diffusing them was the next best thing. I’ve been diffusing lavender before bed just about every night, and maybe it’s a placebo effect, but I do feel like it helps me relax and wind down. In fact, those 5 minutes of lying on my floor listening to calming music or a guided meditation are becoming something I really look forward to.

The diffuser itself is very lightweight and easily used. The plastic top comes off, you just put in a few ounces of water and a few drops of oil, and voila. I’m sure that’s how almost all diffusers are, but this is the first one I’ve ever had. :) I like the ambiance it creates with the LED lighting that gradually transitions between all colors on the spectrum. The one drawback I found is that the plastic top doesn’t lock into the base, so if it tips, the lid just comes right off. Great for ease of filling, but could be better designed. I also think it’s a bit on the expensive side at $59.99, especially since it doesn’t come with any oils. That said, it seems like diffusers can run the gamut from $20 to $120+, so this one is right in the middle.

Resveralife Essential Oil Diffuser
Resveralife Essential Oil Diffuser red

Stretching & Yoga

Stretching and yoga are two things I am admittedly horrible at maintaining in my fitness routine. I feel like a hypocrite for saying so, but I have to actively think about making time to stretch. (Probably why my muscles and joints are now screaming at me these days to go slower!) I’ve been trying to attend more yoga classes recently in order to force myself to move slower, breathe deeper, and have an hour of guided stretching that I wouldn’t do otherwise.

Resveralife Mandala Yoga Mat

It sounds really silly, but having a nice looking, good quality yoga mat helps to actually want to go to class or stretch at home. The mandala mat from Resveralife fits the bill. Because yoga hasn’t ever been something I practice regularly, I never invested in a quality yoga mat, so I am excited to have one now. It’s really well made with a beautiful blue microfiber top and non-slip rubber bottom. It does get dirty easily (and attracts all kinds of dog hair, haha), but that’s no problem because this thing is machine washable! What a nice feature. :) This one will run you $50, which I think is perfectly reasonable for its quality and design, especially compared to other mats on the market.

Resveralife Yoga Mat

The mat bag comes separately ($30), but it’s so nice to have. This is another thing I never invested in because I just always carried my mat. It’s funny looking back though, because my mat would always unroll under my arm and I’d think to myself “man, I need to get a mat bag or strap to harness this thing…” The bag matches the mandala pattern on the mat and has a little zip pocket on the outside for holding essentials—handy so you don’t have to carry this AND your purse AND your gym bag. (Anyone else out there a bag lady? * raises hand *)

Resveralife Mandala Mat

So here’s to learning to slow down, moving with intention instead of speed, taking deeper breaths, and calming the body in order to calm the mind. I’m excited to start this new phase of my fitness regimen, and hope you’ll join in if you feel you need to introduce some peace and mindfulness into your life. (Come follow along with me on Instagram!)

Readers: chat with me! Do you MAKE time for calm and relaxation in your day? What does that look like for you? Do you currently diffuse essential oils, practice yoga, and/or purposefully stretch? How have they benefitted you? If not, are they something you want to try? What practices do you have that help you slow down?


Aurorae Soy Aromatherapy Candle Review (+ Giveaway!)

Disclosure: this post was sponsored by Aurorae Yoga, a fitness and yoga company in New Jersey.  While I was compensated to write this post, all opinions - as always! - are my own.

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Happy Wednesday everyone!  How are you all?  I'm excited for today's post.  I received these very nice aromatherapy candles from Aurorae Yoga for review on the blog and also to host my first-ever blog GIVEAWAY!  Yep, Aurorae wants to spread the love and treat one lucky reader to a candle of their choice!  Before we get into the details of the raffle, let me tell you about the candles, and a little bit about Aurorae. 

Aurorae Yoga is a fitness and wellness company based in New Jersey.  They sell the best reviewed yoga mats, yoga apparel, and yoga and meditation accessories online. (You can browse their yoga mats, bags, apparel, and other accessories here.)  There are variety of other fitness products too, like sweat towels, on-the-go bags, and resistance bands, which I'll be reviewing soon as well!  

They also have a whole aromatherapy line of products like scented mists and a variety of candles.  The candles are REALLY nice.  They're highly rated on Amazon, and I have to say I can see why.  If you're a candle person, I'd definitely give these a try.  They have 12 scents to choose from, all very rich sounding.  I got to review 2 of them: Lavender and Eucalyptus.  They both smell amazing - a subtle scent, not overwhelming at all.  I'm a huge fan of lavender scented candles to light in my bedroom when I'm winding down for the night.  It's so calming.  The Eucalyptus candle I lit in my dining/living room to give the rest of my apartment a beautiful scent.  I've burned a lot of candles in my life, and these have to be one of the cleanest-burning, low-flame ones I've tried.  Maybe that's because I haven't tried a soy candle before, but wow.  I'm impressed!  And the color of the wax is so rich.  They're really pretty to look at:

Lavender and Eucalyptus soy aromatherapy candles from Aurorae

Now, let's talk about the fun part.  Aurorae would like to give one lucky U.S. reader a candle of your choice to spread the love!  The giveaway is raffle-style, which means there's no contest at all.  All you have to do is comment on this blog post with your answers to the following questions: 

  1. Do you use Aromatherapy candles?
  2. If so, what scents do you like?
  3. How do you relax and unwind after a long day?

The rest of the choices to enter the raffle are optional, but they will earn you more entries, so try to complete them all!  Entries start today and go through next Wednesday, 7/22, so make sure to spread the word to friends!  I'll be announcing the winner of the raffle later next week, so stay tuned!  And in case you're wondering, here is a list of all the scents so you can think about which one you might like if you win:

  • Lavender
  • Vanilla
  • Eucalyptus
  • Chocolate
  • Cinnamon
  • Rose
  • Ocean
  • Tropical
  • Passion Raspberry
  • Candy Cane
  • Pine
  • Pumpkin
Enter to win a candle

(Note: if you're reading this in your email subscription, you may have to go to the blog to enter if the giveaway form does not appear below.)

To learn more about Aurorae and view their other products, check them out here: Facebook, Twitter, Google+Instagram and Pinterest.  Good luck to all of you in the raffle, and I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday! :)