The Blog Turns One! (+ a BIG life update)

Fair Warning: LONG post ahead.  Holy Moly.  There have been SO many changes going on in my life over the past few weeks, I don't really know where to begin.  I guess I'll start with a hearty hello to everyone again!  It's been quite a while since I last posted, and this is my first post to you all from upstate New York!  Before I get into the exciting news that the blog is one year old (eee!), I'd like to update you on what's been goin' on... 

Happy One Year to the Blog!

First, A Life Update...

As you all know, at the end of September I moved from Rhode Island to upstate New York to (finally!) live with my boyfriend.  It's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Living together is just amazing, especially after 4+ years of long distance and weekend commutes back and forth.  The place we're living is great, and it's VERY convenient to almost everything we need, including the gym I'll be teaching at soon!  The move itself was downright exhausting, though.  We started packing each other's places a few weeks before our move date, and once that came it was just non-stop going.  Packing boxes.  Unloading boxes.  Canceling accounts.  Setting up new accounts.  Cleaning apartments.  The list goes on.  Through all the chaos, I didn't have time to snap any pictures except this one of my packed apartment (well, the living room) ready to be loaded onto the truck:

All Packed Up

Once we got to Albany, we unloaded all my stuff, then went right back to loading the rest of his stuff, cleaned his apartment and started the unpacking process.  As of today, we're still disorganized and have a lot of unboxing to do, but the essentials are taken care of and we're slowly getting back to our usual routines like they were before we moved.

One thing I've been dying to get back to is, of course, working out.  Packing and unloading the moving truck were both quite a workout for sure, but there's nothing like being in a class and getting pumped from the music and energy of the group!  I've been missing that for so long!  Yesterday I finally got back to it and attended a "Butts & Gutts" class at VENT Fitness, which is the gym I'll be teaching at starting next week!!  (I'm planning on posting more about that experience after my first few classes, so stay tuned.)  

Feelin' the burn after my first class back!

Feelin' the burn after my first class back!

Officially a VENT Fitness Group Instructor!

Officially a VENT Fitness Group Instructor!

To wrap up the life update, I'm happy.  This move to Albany is a much needed refresher for me.  It will be a growing experience in many ways, and the start of the next exciting chapter in my life. :)  But now onto the more exciting news...

Happy One Year Anniversary to the Blog!

Guys, I can't believe it!  The blog is ONE YEAR old (as of Monday)!  I know everyone says they can't believe they've been blogging for a year, and I'm in that group too. 

I started this blog as a way to reach a broader audience with the workouts and healthy living advice I was teaching/giving to my group fitness classes back in RI.  It was also a place to put pen to paper so to speak, and write about my fitness journey, becoming an instructor, and the next adventures I'll have in the fitness industry.  It has grown SO MUCH in the past year, I'm kind of in shock.  When I first launched the blog on October 5, 2014, I wasn't sure where it would take me.  I'm still not.  But I know that from starting this blog I have (virtually) met hundreds of amazing people from other bloggers to fitness pros and enthusiasts alike, and my passion for motivating and inspiring others has grown tremendously. 

This post is getting pretty long as it is, so I'll spare you the lengthy details and just give you a highlight reel of what's been going on on the blog for the past year:

All of the above would not be possible without YOU!  You all have been such valued supporters of the blog over the past year, and I can't thank you all enough.  Seriously.  This blog wouldn't reach the audience it does without your shares, your likes, your comments, and your encouragement to keep posting.  What started out as a little experiment and hobby one day has turned into a, well, bigger hobby, and something I love dearly.  So thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to read my posts and even more so to comment and share them.  

What's next for the blog?  This I'm not sure of yet.  A few ideas I have are blog link ups, fitness challenges, and more workouts hopefully complete with pictorials of the different moves.  Those are all things I have been wanting to get to for a while now, and what better time to do it than with a fresh start for the blog and in my own life?!  I hope you stay tuned and continue to live happy, healthy lives, once healthy choice at a time. :)

Readers: chat with me!  What's something you'd love to see on the blog in the coming year?  What's something that you think could be improved?  How about for those of you who have ever moved before... how did you handle the stress and exhaustion?  What's everyone been up to lately?  Fill me in - I've been gone for too long!