12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 6 - Side Plank Dips

Congrats on making it halfway through the challenge!  You're 6 days down!  How have you done so far?  Your first assignment for today is to check in on social media or the blog and tell us all how you're doing so far!  Ready... go!

Okay, now onto today's challenge!  We're back to our core for today, so we're going to increase the challenge a little bit with today's exercise: side plank dips. 

  • Start in a side plank, propping your upper body up on your forearm, elbow underneath your shoulder, and hips lowered to the ground.
    • To make it easier, fold your bottom leg underneath you and extend out the top leg (shown below, A).
    • To make it more challenging, keep both legs extended (shown below, C). 
  • From this position, lift your hips as high as you can, using your abdominal muscles to lift you up, and your forearm, shoulder and legs to brace you (shown below, B & D). 
  • Repeat this for as many reps as you can on one side, then switch and repeat on the other side.

Easier option: bend one leg underneath you for more stability and less shoulder pressure.

More challenging option: keep both legs out straight, feet stacked. 

Good luck, and let me know how you do!  Keep up the good work for the duration of the challenge!  I know you can do it!  Get your friends and family involved, too.  Anyone and everyone can join, no matter how far in we are.  The whole point is to get you up and active!  Until tomorrow, have a healthy and happy day - and remember, one healthy choice at time. 

12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 5 - Lunges

Hi Everybody!  How was your Christmas?  For the subscribers, how many of you did my special Christmas Day challenge??  How was it?  (If you aren't subscribed yet, it's not too late to join the fun!  Click here for more information and to sign up so you don't miss exclusive challenge emails!)

Today's challenge is back to focusing on our legs with lunges.  Lunges are another great exercise that focus on your quadriceps, and they can also target your calves, too.  Here's what you're doing:

  • Start with one foot stepped in front of the other, hands on your hips (shown below, A).
  • Lower yourself straight down, bending both knees, keeping your chest up and looking forward. 
  • Raise yourself back up to start.
  • Repeat this for as many reps as you can on one leg.  Then switch legs and repeat.
  • Tip: keep your front knee in line with your ankle when you're in the downward phase of the lunge.  This will not only keep unnecessary pressure off of your quads (they're getting a good workout already!), but it will also keep your knees happy!

Here are a few options to switch it up if you feel the need:

  • Option 1:  elevate your back leg - place your back leg flat on a chair, bed, or other flat surface while lunging.
  • Option 2: add some cardio with jump lunges - instead of doing lunges on all one leg and then switching, switch between every rep by propelling yourself up and switching legs mid-air, then landing (light on your feet!) in a lunge on the opposite leg.  Repeat that motion for as many reps as you can. (Note: be careful with this one if you have knee or ankle problems.)
  • Option 3: pulses - once you're in the lowered position, pulse yourself up and down quickly, similar to the pulse squats.  You could eve do a combo of regular lunges and pulses.

Enjoy working those legs today!  Remember to comment on the blog or use hashtag #12daysfit on social media!  We need to encourage each other!  Enjoy your day and keep an eye out for more mini challenges later this week!  And most importantly, have fun!  Until tomorrow, have a healthy and happy day ahead!  Can't wait to see your progress!

12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 4 - Tricep Dips

Merry Christmas!!  I hope you're all enjoying the holiday with your family today.  This time of year brings quite a bit of joy into my life and makes me very thankful for the little things.  I'm happy to be able to share it with you all and I encourage you to share some things you are thankful for this year!

Now, onto today's challenge!  If you didn't catch on yet, we've been cycling through body parts every day so far and today's focus brings us back to our arms.  Today I want you to focus on your triceps.  The tricep dip is a great exercise that really targets that muscle in the back of your arm.  Grab a sturdy chair and some floor space and let's get started!

  • Start facing away from the chair with your hands on the edges, legs extended out in front of you (pictured below, A).  Be sure you're far enough out that your back doesn't scrape against the chair. 
  • Lower yourself down as far as you can.  Try not to go past a 90 degree angle in the elbow (pictured below, B). 
  • Push yourself back up to starting position.
  • Repeat this for as many reps as you can.

Here are some variations to try - some easier, and some a bit more challenging if you need it:

  • Option 1: less challenging - instead of keeping your legs straight and heels on the ground (as shown above), try bending your knees to a 90 degree angle and keeping your feet flat.  This decreases the lever arm that you're working with when dipping, which makes the exercise easier.  Not to mention keeping your feet flat provides more stability.
  • Option 2: slightly more challenging - Try the same position as pictured above (legs out straight), but lift one leg in the air, keeping it as straight as you can.  If you do this approach, try to alternate legs after 5 or 10 reps to keep it even on both sides.
  • Option 3: more challenging - if you still need a challenge, try elevating both feet off the floor using another chair, a sturdy box, a stability ball if you have one, etc.  (Be careful in the stability ball though as it tends to roll around.  Catch your balance first, and then dip.)

Just like the last few days, do this two times throughout today.  Sitting around the living room chatting?  Grab a chair and get started!  Opening presents around the tree?  That's a great time to get them in!  Sitting around a fire telling stories and catching up with extended family?  Get them involved, too!  Good luck and please check back in with your progress!  I'm excited to hear how you're doing!  For all of you who are signed up for the challenge, check your inboxes a little bit later for another mini challenge for today to get you AND your family up and about!  Merry Christmas!