Fitness Friday 7/24: Buddy Edition!

Happy Friday!  Is it just me, or has this week been a rough one?  Not sure why, but this week has drained me.  I'm super tired, slacking on my meal prep big time, and just. can't. wait. for the weekend.  Anyone else?  

Well, I know when I'm feeling sluggish at work, that means I need to get up out of my desk chair and move around a bit.  Stretch.  Go walk down the hall and refill my water bottle.  Do a few exercises in my office.  (That's the whole point behind this Fitness Friday series, anyway!)  I'm sure a lot of your coworkers feel the need to get up and about during the day, too.  So!  Why not round 'em up and have a little fun on your lunch break or during afternoon coffee?  There has to be someone in your office/building/group who wants to add more movement to their day.  So go get 'em and partner up for this mini workout.  You both ready?

Fitness Friday 7/24: Buddy Edition!

Fitness Friday 7/24

Grab your partner (not literally of course) and set a timer for 1 minute for each pair of exercises.  Keep alternating through the exercises in each pair for the allotted time, then move onto the next pair for another minute.  See how many rounds you and your partner can get through!

Squat Hold / 5 Push Ups - partner A holds a squat as low as they can while partner B does 5 push ups.  Once partner B is done, switch so partner B is doing push ups and A is holding a squat.  Keep alternating for 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: to make this slightly more challenging, treat the transition from push up to squat and vice versa like a burpee.  So if you're in a push up position, jump your feet to your hands and raise into a squat, and reverse that movement if you're going from squat to push ups.

10 Table Toe Touches / Plank - partner A holds a low plank while partner B does the toe touches.  Partner B starts in a table top position (belly up, hands and feet on the floor, pelvis raised so chest, torso, and thighs are aligned).  From here, partner B lifts the opposite arm and opposite leg, touching toes to hand.  Repeat on the other side, and keep alternating toe touches 10 times. Once partner B is done, switch roles and repeat.  Continue going back and forth for 1 minute.

Knee Press / 30 Bicycles - Partner A starts on their back, knees raised with feet off the ground, hands and knees pressed against each other, engaging the abdominals as they hold this position.  Meanwhile, partner B does 30 slow bicycles (supine, opposite elbow to opposite knee, legs pedaling like a bike).  As with the other 2 pairs, continue alternating roles for 1 minute. 

Do this 1 more time through for your full mini workout, and complete the workout again once more today.  I hope you're enjoying your Friday and have some fun, active things to look forward to this weekend!

Readers: chat with me!  Do you like partner exercises?  Who do you usually do them with?  What's everyone up to this weekend and how are you staying active?