Dumbbell Quads & Glutes Circuit Workout

Circuit workouts like this one (and this one) are quickly becoming one of my favorite ways to get a good sweat on.  I've taught a bunch of workouts recently using this style and everyone seems to love it, particularly this leg workout that I taught Monday night.  So why not share it with all of you!  All you'll need is a set of heavier dumbbells (10-15lbs depending on your fitness level) and a timer.  With a quick warm up and cool down, this workout will take you about an hour.  Ready to have some fun?!

Dumbbell Quads & Glutes Circuit Workout

Dumbbell Quads & Glutes Circuit Workout

Equipment Needed: 10-15lb dumbbells, a timer, water bottle, sweat towel (you'll be dripping!), and an exercise mat if you want one.
What You'll Do: start with #1 and go through each pair three times, each exercise lasting 1 minute (or 30 seconds each side if concentrating on one leg), for a total of 6 minutes per pair.  This workout will take about an hour after warm up, water breaks, and a cool down.  Here we go!

Pair 1 (x 3):

Squat + Calf Raise - just like it sounds, you'll hold a dumbbell in each hand and squat down as low as you can keeping your chest up and spine aligned.  As you come up, do a calf raise at the top (go up on your toes).  Squeeze your glutes.  Keep the squat + raise pattern going for 1 minute.

Jump Lunges - start in a lunge position on one leg.  Propel yourself up into the air and switch legs mid-air to land back down in a lunge on the other side.  Keep jumping for 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: if the jumps are too high-impact for you, simply step your feet up and back into a lunge alternating legs as you go.

Pair 2 (x 3):

Hinged Abductor Raises - okay bear with me, I didn't have a better name for these.  You're going to stand feet wider than hip width (kind of like a high straddle), hinge at the waist, bend your knees slightly, and bring your finger tips to the floor.  Keeping your fingers on the floor the whole time, slide them over to one side, transferring your weight onto that leg.  Lift your other leg directly up to the side.  Put that leg back down and slide your fingers to the other side, transferring your weight to the leg you just placed on the floor.  Lift the other leg to the side.  Keep alternating that back and forth side lifting for 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: the lifts don't have to be big.  Keep them small with good form and make sure your feet don't start slowly creeping inward as you do these.

Skaters - think of these like what speed skaters do except instead of gliding on the ice, you're hopping side to side on the floor.  Start standing and hop to one side bringing your other leg diagonally behind you.  Touch that foot to the floor, and immediately hop to the other side.  Keep alternating hops for 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: if hopping is too much, just step out to the side instead.

Pair 3 (x 3):

Kneeling Rainbows - kneel in an all 4's position on the floor and extend one leg out to the side, toes lightly touching the ground.  From here, raise the leg up and over to the other side making an arch (like a rainbow) in the air with your foot.  Keep going back and forth on one leg for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg for the next 30 seconds.  Remember, make those arches high!

Plank Hops - I love these.  Get into a plank either up on your hands or on your elbows.  From here you're going to tuck your heels up to your butt as you jump side to side.  Keep your hands on the floor the entire time, and your gaze should be forward with a neutral spine.  Keep jumping for 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: if the jumps are too much, simply step your feet one at a time side to side.

Pair 4 (x 3):

Reverse Lunges w/ Weight Chop - start standing with 1 dumbbell in your hands, holding it vertically by your chest.  Step back into a lunge (reverse lunge) and "chop" the weight down to the side of whichever leg is in front (so if you stepped back with your left foot, you'll chop the weight to the right).  Step back up, bringing the weight back to your chest, and do the same thing on the other side.  Keep the motion going for 1 minute.

3-Point Hops - keep that single weight with you, this time holding it horizontally, elbows bent to 90˚ by your ribs and the weight slightly in front of you.  Keeping your shoulders facing forward and the weight in that same position the entire time, quickly hop your feet to face the right, then to the middle, then to the left, back to the middle, back to the right, and so on.  So really the only part of your body that should be moving is your lower half.  Keep hopping for 1 minute.

Pair 5 (x 3):

Crouched Heel + Side Touches - like the runner stance heel touches except in addition to bringing your foot in to meet your heel, you'll also tap it out to the side.  So you're crouched down with all the weight on one leg, other leg extended straight behind you, light on the finger tips.  Bring the back leg up so your toes meet your stationary heel, then immediately tap your toes out to the side.  Bring them back in, and extend them back again.  So really all you're doing is tapping your toes back, to your heel, out to the side, back to your heel, and back again.  Keep the pattern going for 30 seconds on each leg.  You'll feel 'em!

Plank Jacks - just like they sound, you're in a plank position (on your hands or forearms), and your feet jump in and out like jumping jacks.  Keep your abs engaged to keep the spine aligned and remember to keep your neck neutral (i.e. don't look down at your feet).  Trainer Tip: if these are too high-impact for you, step your feet out-out, in-in, out-out, in-in.

Pair 6 (x 3):

Low-to-Mid Squats - crouch down so your knees are completely bent, butt touching your heels and your feet flat on the floor, holding a single dumbbell in your hands.  From here raise your lower half up so your quads are parallel to the floor.  Hold yourself there for 2 seconds, then lower back down to start.  Keep going for 1 minute.

High Knees - you know these ones.  Bring 'em up to waist level!  Trainer Tip: lower impact = march in place with high knees.

Pair 7 (x 3):

Push Off Lunges - just like they sound here too - lunge forward (get low!) and push off that foot to return to standing.  Alternate legs as you go for 1 minute.  Feel free to add the dumbbells for some added resistance.

Tuck Jumps - start standing and jump up as high as you can, tucking your knees into your chest.  Try do as many jumps as you can in 1 minute.  Trainer Tip: too much?  March in place with high knees or jog in place for a lower-impact cardio round.

Pair 8 (x 3):

Closed-Leg Glute Bridges - like a regular glute bridge, except your knees and feet stay together the entire time (i.e. your legs are closed).  Add either 1 or both weights on your hips for extra resistance.  Trainer Tip: really squeeze your legs together on this one.  If you want even more of a challenge, lift your toes off the floor and push with your heels.

Stationary Marches - from standing, alternate lifting your legs up straight with your foot flexed, arms straight out.  Try to touch the top of your toes to your hands.  (These are similar to the Zombie Marches from my Fitness Friday Halloween Edition.)  Alternate legs quickly for 1 minute.

WHEW!  There you have it!  How do your legs feel now?  I hope this workout gives you the energy you need to start (or finish) your day strong and power you through the rest of this week!

Readers: chat with me!  Do you work your legs often?  What's your favorite leg exercise?  In your workouts, do you ever alternate strength and cardio exercises like this?  If not, are you going to try it?

Abs & Obliques Stability Ball Circuit Workout (+ A Bonus Exercise!)

Happy Monday!  Let's start your week off on the right foot with a quick little workout to target those abs and obliques.  This workout is one I made up on the fly at the gym on Friday morning.  I had gone to the gym super early with my boyfriend, but we got there later than we'd liked and had only about a half hour to get in our training.  So, while he turned to the machines for some upper body work, I naturally turned to the equipment I know and chose a stability ball to work my abs.  With a 5 minute cardio warm up and about 3-5 minutes of stretching afterward, it took me about 20 minutes to complete this workout (I did it 4 times through).  Ready to make those abs burn?!  Keep reading!

Abs & Obliques Stability Ball Circuit Workout

Abs & Obliques Stability Ball Circuit Workout

Equipment needed: a stability ball and some floor space. 
Go through at least 3 rounds of the 5 exercises and try to move from exercise to exercise with no break (only take a quick break between rounds).  If you want to really challenge yourself, go through the circuit 5 times.

10 Slow Forearm Circles (each direction) - start in a plank with your forearms balanced on the stability ball, abs engaged to keep your spine neutral (i.e. no sagging back).  Maintaining a plank position, slowly circle your forearms in one direction for 10 circles.  Without stopping, immediately switch directions for 10 more circles.  Trainer Tip:  to make this easier, you can do these from your knees.  Just remember to keep your spine in a straight line and lean on the ball instead of keeping it directly underneath you. 

10 Plank Leg Lifts (R & L) - hold a plank on the stability ball, either a full plank on your feet, or from your knees.  From here while maintaining the plank position, lift one leg up as high as you can, then bring it down and tap your toe to the floor.  Do 10 lifts on one leg, then immediately switch to the other leg without stopping. 

10 Knees to Chest (or pike) - start in a plank with the tops of your feet elevated on the stability ball, core engaged, spine aligned, and shoulders over your wrists.  From here, bring your knees to your chest, rolling the ball in and out.  If you want to make this harder, try keeping your legs straight and pike up.  Do 10 reps.  Trainer Tip: if the ball is too much for you, drop down to a regular plank on the ground and alternate bringing each knee to the opposite side of your chest. 

10 Slow Sit Ups (feet on ball) - start lying face up with your legs straight and heels up on the ball.  Keeping your legs as straight as you can, do a full sit up slowly rolling up for a count of 4, touch your toes (or shins) and roll back down for a count of 4.  Continue the slow sit ups for 10 reps.  Trainer Tip: if the ball is too much, get rid of it and drop your feet to the floor.  Remember to go slowly on the way back down, too!

10 Opposite/Opposite Supine Holds - lie down on your back, one leg extended straight up in the air and the other hovering over the floor, like an L.  Hold the stability ball between the extended leg and the opposite arm (other arm is out to the side).  You should have to squeeze the ball between hand and foot to really hold it in place, which will in turn engage your abs.  Hold that position, squeezing the entire time, for 10 seconds.  Then immediately switch leg/arm to the other side.  Squeeze and hold for 10 seconds.  Keep alternating sides for 10 reps of 10-second holds. 

Go through this circuit 2 more times for the full workout, and a total of 5 times if you really want to challenge yourself.  

If that still isn't enough, here's a fun little bonus exercise for you to try.  I did this one in an abs & core circuit class I took at my old studio this past Saturday, and it was a killer!  (Note: I'd only recommend trying this exercise if your abs are strong and you have good balance.)

Bonus Exercise: Stability Ball Bicycles - start lying face up with the ball under your lower back, hands/fingertips down on the floor behind you.  Lift your legs and pedal them slowly like regular bicycles.  You'll really start to feel it in your abs after a while due to the instability of the ball underneath you and having to keep your legs elevated.  Try to aim for 30 seconds to a minute of pedaling. 

Readers: chat with me!  How was your weekend?  Did you get any workouts in?  What about other activities?  What's your favorite exercise to do with a stability ball?  Did you try the bonus exercise?

Buns & Guns Dumbbell Circuit Workout

Good morning!  How was your weekend?  I'm in full-fledged packing mode now as my boyfriend and I are moving in together in 2 weeks!  It's a super exciting time, but also getting a bit stressful.  He and I were wondering how we were going to fit in our workouts at the gym between all this packing and cleaning of both our apartments.  And you know what?  We aren't.  The packing and hauling is a workout enough!  It's not anything close to what we'd do in the gym, but I'm trying to remember rest is important during these stressful and sometimes exhausting times.  Luckily he does have a set of resistance bands and a few dumbbells at his place, so if there's time, I'll probably try to fit in this workout at least once while we're here!

This one's a fun circuit workout that targets your glutes (buns) and biceps & shoulders (guns).  All you need is a set of dumbbells and some floor space, so if you have some weights at home, grab 'em and have some fun!  And of course, you can do this one in the gym, too.  Keep reading for the details of the workout and a note on selecting an appropriate amount of weight.

Buns & Guns Dumbbell Circuit Workout

Buns & Guns Dumbbell Circuit Workout

Equipment needed: a set of medium to heavy dumbbells and some floor space.  
For beginners: I'd recommend 8-10lbs, and go through this circuit twice (once per leg with 1 set of curls and 1 set of presses).
For more advanced fitness levels: I'd recommend 10-12lbs, and go through this circuit 4 times (twice per leg, and 2 sets of curls & presses total).

Here's an example:
Circuit 1 = right leg all the way through with 10 bicep curls between each exercise
Circuit 2 = left leg all the way through with 10 shoulder presses between each exercise
if you want to continue...
Circuit 3 = repeat right leg w/ bicep curls
Circuit 4 = repeat left leg w/ shoulder presses
Feel free to modify the amount of curls and presses you do between each exercise based on your own fitness level.

20 Dumbbell Curtsey Lunges + Pulse - start standing with a dumbbell in each hand by your sides.  Holding the dumbbells by your side, bring one foot diagonally back behind you (e.g. with your right foot, step back and to the left, like a curtsey).  As you step, make sure you're lunging down, and pulse once before coming back to standing.  Do 20 lunges.

20 Single Leg Deadlifts - start standing with a dumbbell in each hand.  Keeping one foot planted on the ground and that leg straight, slowly lower the dumbbells as close to the floor as you can, lifting the other leg straight out behind you as you go down, forming a T position with your body.  Slowly raise yourself back up to starting position for 1 rep.  Continue the deadlifts for 20 reps total.

25 Single Leg Glute Bridges (weighted) - lie on the ground, one leg bent with your foot flat on the floor, other leg raised high in the air.  Keep a dumbbell resting on your hips/lower abdomen, and raise your pelvis up toward the ceiling, activating your glutes and quads.  Lower yourself back down to the floor.  Keep raising your pelvis up for 25 reps, making sure to squeeze your glutes at the top of the raise.  Trainer Tip: if the added resistance of the weight is too much, do them without the dumbbell.  If you need to, you can also do them with both feet on the ground.

30 Runner Stance Heel Touches - crouch down on one leg, hands on the ground, other leg extended back behind you, toes lightly touching the floor, as if in a runner's stance.  (All your weight should be on the front leg here.)  From here, bring your back leg forward so your toes meet the heel of your stationary foot.  Extend the that leg back out, tap your toes to the floor again, and bring it back in to meet your heel.  Continue that pattern for 30 reps.  Trainer Tip: your front leg should be bent such that your quads engage, but you shouldn't be crouched so far down that your butt is touching your lower leg.

30 Kneeling Rainbows - get in an all-fours position on the ground, with one leg extended out straight, toes touching the floor.  From here, you'll make a "rainbow" in the air with your leg by bringing it up as high as you can and arching over side to side.  Do 30 "rainbows" total on one leg. 

Remember to go through this circuit on your other leg next to get 'em both feelin' the burn, then once more each side for the full workout, alternating bicep curls or shoulder presses between each exercise.  Enjoy! 

Readers: chat with me!   How was your weekend?  Do anything awesome?  What's your favorite glute burner exercise?  How about for your arms?