Suspension Trainer Ab Burner Workout w/ Cardio Intervals

Suspension Trainer Ab Burner Workout w/ Cardio Intervals

Hi everybody!  I'm super excited to bring you today's workout using the FE Strong Suspension Trainer System!  I love using suspension trainers like this one because they force you to engage certain muscle groups that traditional on-the-ground strength training exercises don't.  Since you're suspended working against gravity, you have to focus on really engaging your abs in order to stabilize and control your movements.  

The number of exercises you can do on this piece of equipment is endless, so instead of trying to pick a few from an infinite list (a challenging task, let me tell you!), I'm breaking up the workouts into 3 parts: Abs, Upper Body, and Lower Body. Part 1 today is focused on your abs, with some sneaky shoulder work in the many plank positions you'll be holding.  This workout is designed using 6 abdominal strength exercises with 30 seconds of suspended mountain climbers between each for a little burst of cardio.  Here is what the mountain climbers look like:

Suspension Trainer Mountain Climbers

Suspended Mountain Climbers - start in a high plank position with the tops of your feet in the foot straps.  Alternate bringing your knees close to your chest as quickly as you can (just like MC on the floor), keeping your shoulders over your wrists and abs engaged.

Keep reading for the full workout, my review of the suspension trainer (hint: I LOVE IT!), and details on how you can get 40% OFF one of these babies!!  Enjoy!

Suspension Trainer Ab Burner Workout w/ Cardio Intervals

Suspension Trainer Ab Burner Workout w/ Cardio Intervals

What You'll Need: a suspension trainer system hooked to a sturdy bar, branch, or door that will support your full bodyweight, and an exercise mat if you want one. The strap length is adjustable, so for this workout the handles should be low enough to the ground to make a high plank comfortable  and keep your spine aligned (about a foot off the ground depending on your build).
What You'll Do: go through the exercises in two rounds - the first focusing on the right side where applicable; the second focusing on the left.  Between each set of strength exercises, do 30 seconds of suspended mountain climbers (shown above).

Note: If you've never used a suspension trainer before, I highly recommend watching this set up & use video before trying the workout.

10 Trench Crawls (4 steps each direction) - start out in a low plank position with the tops of your feet resting in the straps, forearms horizontal in front of you.  Keeping your abs engaged and quads tight, take the arm that's in back and bring it forward, pulling yourself along.  Keep stepping forward on your forearms for 4 steps, then work your way backwards for 4 steps returning to start. Each 4-step forward and back = 1 rep.  Do 10 reps total.  Trainer Tip: the key here is to keep your abs engaged, spine aligned, and to try to resist swinging your legs side to side as you crawl.

- 30 seconds MC -

10 Oblique Crunches - start in a high plank on your hands with your feet in the straps.  Keeping your shoulders in line with your wrists and the movement slow and controlled, tuck your knees out and up to the right side (left side in round 2) toward your elbow.  Slowly reverse the move to go back into a plank.  Keep tucking your knees for 10 reps.

- 30 seconds MC -

10 Slow Sit Ups (4-count up & down) - lie down on your back with your heels resting in the foot straps, arms extended straight above you.  Engage your abs and raise yourself up slowly (4-count), reaching for your toes, keeping your spine straight as you come up.  Reverse the move and slowly lower yourself back down to start, making sure your arms stay raised above you and don't come to the floor.  Do 10 reps.

- 30 seconds MC -

10 Side Plank Hip Dips - start in a low side plank on the right side for the first round (switch to the left if on round 2) with your feet in the straps, top leg slightly behind.  From here, dip your hips to the floor, engaging your obliques to pull yourself back up.  Make sure your shoulder stays over your elbow here, and keep your hips stacked.  Do 10 dips.

- 30 seconds MC -

10 Pike Ups - you're starting in a high plank position again with the tops of your feet in the straps. From here, raise your body up into a pike position keeping your legs straight and pulling your abs in toward your spine.  Make sure your shoulders stay in line with your wrists here, too, and keep the movement slow and controlled.  Do 10 reps.

- 30 seconds MC -

10 Single-Leg Burpees - start standing with your right foot in the strap for round 1 (left foot for round 2), arms extended above you.  From here, perform a burpee by placing your hands on the ground and jumping your non-strapped foot back to hold a plank.  (Optional push up here if you want to.)  Now reverse the move, placing your non-strapped foot back down on the floor, raising yourself back up to standing, and adding a hop at the end.  Do 10 reps.  [VIDEO of this move here.]

Repeat this workout once more, switching to the left side where applicable.

Get 40% OFF the FE Strong Suspension Trainer!

You guys - I'm SO excited to be able to give you a 40% discount on one of these babies!  This suspension training system is really high quality (and no, I'm not just saying that).  If I'm being completely honest, I'm always a little wary of off-brand fitness equipment since they can be hit or miss a lot of the time.  After receiving this in the mail though, I was surprised at how professional-grade it is.  The handles are made of a comfortable and sturdy rubber, the nylon straps are thick and supportive, and the hooks that attach it to a bar above you are incredibly well-made.

FE Strong Suspension Trainer

It would normally run you $99 on Amazon (or more if you went with a TRX), but use the code "INFITINH" at check out to get 40% off.  (Heck yes $40 discount!)  If you've ever wanted a suspension system like this, now is your chance.  I hope you enjoy the workout, whether you try it in the gym, at home, or elsewhere.  If you end up buying one of these babies or already have a suspension trainer system, let me know how you like it! 

Readers: chat with me!  Do you use suspension training in your fitness routines?  What are your favorite abdominal exercises to do with/on them?  Have you ever traveled with one before? Where is the most unique place you've ever used one?

Disclosure: I was gifted the FE Strong Suspension Trainer System in exchange for my honest review on the blog and on Amazon.  All opinions and this workout are my own (just like always!). 

30-Minute Total Body Workout w/ Walking Poles (+ GIVEAWAY!)

30-Minute Total Body Workout w/ BungyPump Walking Poles

I'm super excited to bring you today's workout!  When BungyPump reached out to me to review their suspension walking poles, my immediate reaction was yes absolutely because they're so different than any piece of exercise equipment I've ever used.  Of course, they're supposed to be used to add more resistance (and therefore more muscle activation and calorie burn) during walking activities, but I found myself immediately coming up with ways to incorporate them into a workout.  So, below is a total body circuit routine with a few bouts of cardio mixed in.  AND you guys have a chance to win a pair of BungyPump Walking Poles for yourself!

First, here's a bit more about them. BungyPump walking poles are Swedish-made with a built-in suspension system that will add 4, 6, or 10 kilos of resistance (9, 13, and 22 pounds respectively) to your walking routine.  They have an ergonomically shaped handle with a hand strap for security, and the height of the poles is adjustable to suit your needs.  You can also adjust whether or not the poles are locked, meaning they can be used sans resistance if you prefer.

BungyPump Walking Poles

The workout I created with these poles is pretty versatile, so if you find yourself out on a walk and want to add some more activity, you absolutely can.  Take the exercises individually as they are, or do the full workout in its entirety for a great calorie burn and total body sweat sesh.  Keep reading for the details of the workout and make sure to enter the raffle to win a pair!

30-Minute Total Body Workout w/ Walking Poles

30-Minute Total Body Workout w/ BungyPump Walking Poles

What You'll Need: a pair of BungyPump Walking poles (WIN A PAIR below!) and an exercise mat.
What You'll Do: go through each round 3 times, doing each exercise for 1 minute, focusing on one major muscle group per round.

Round 1: Legs (x 3)

Cardio: Jump Squats - start standing with the poles vertical in each hand, no resistance put on the poles yet.  Squat down as low as you can, and then explode up into a vertical jump, pressing the poles down as you propel yourself up into the air.  Land back down softly, letting the poles release back to starting position.  Repeat the jump squats quickly for 1 minute.

Curtsey Lunge Pulses + Hold (each side) - start in the same standing position you were in for the jump squats, holding a pole in each hand.  Step back into a curtsey lunge on your right side (by taking your left foot and stepping behind and to the right).  Maintaining the lunge position with the poles pressed down, pulse the lunge with little movements up and down for 30 seconds, letting the poles move up and down with you.  After those 30 seconds are up, stay down in a low lunge for the next 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Squat Hold (30s back/30s front) - start in a low squat position with one of the poles placed behind your knees.  Squat down just low enough to hold the pole in place (but be careful to not go so low that you're resting on your heels).  Hold that position with your hands outstretched for 30 seconds.  Then, maintaining the squat position, grab the pole and hold it out in front of you for the next 30 seconds.

- Repeat round 1 two more times - 

Round 2: Arms (x 3)

Cardio: Plank Jack to Frog Hop - lay the poles down parallel to each other on the floor and start in a plank position with your hands at the top of the poles and feet on in the inside (see image). From here, jump your feet to the outside of the poles (plank jack), then jump them up to your hands (frog hop), keeping your hands planted the whole time.  Reverse the move to jump your feet back to the outside of the poles, and then back in. Continue the pattern quickly for 1 minute, keeping your abs engaged and shoulders in line over your wrists.

Walking Push Ups - keep the poles in the same parallel position as the cardio move above.  Start in a push up position on the left-most side of the poles.  Do 1 push up.  Now step your right hand and right foot to the right, over the first pole to the inside "lane" (left side follows so you're now in a push up position on the inside of the poles).  Do another push up.  Then continue to walk yourself over to the right-most side of the poles and do another push up here.  Reverse the move to walk back over to the left, stopping to do 1 push up in each "lane".  Continue the pattern for 1 minute.

Chest Squeeze + Pulse + Hold (10/10/10 x 2) - start standing with one pole held parallel to the floor, palms facing up toward the ceiling, hands at the ends of the pole.  Using the resistance of the pole, slowly press inward keeping your arms straight.  Once pressed in as far as you can, slowly release the pole back to starting position.  Do 10 slow presses, then hold the pole in and do 10 slow pulses (tiny presses).  Once 10 pulses are done, press the pole in as far as you can again and hold that position for 10 seconds.  Do this twice through.

- Repeat round 2 two more times -

Round 3: Abs (x 3)

Cardio: Lateral Bounding Hops - lay the poles down end to end to form a line on the floor. Starting at one end of the line on one side, swing your arms down by your sides, bend your knees and jump over to the other side, trying to cover as much distance as you can.  Land softly and immediately load the next jump, then hop over to the other side of the line.  Continue the bounding hops down and back for 1 minute.

V-ups w/ Chest Squeeze - start laying down on your back, holding one pole in your hands overhead, pole relaxed with an overhand grip.  From here, do a V-up by engaging your abs to bring your legs and upper body off the floor while simultaneously bringing the pole up overhead to reach out in front of you, squeezing your hands together as you raise.  Reverse the move, lowering your body back down to the floor and releasing tension on the pole as you lower.  Keep going for 1 minute.

Raised Leg Wall Sit - alright, fair warning: these ones are HARD.  I don't expect you to hold this position for the full minute, so do what you can, take breaks, and get back into it when you're ready.  Start in a seated position, lower and middle back flat against a wall, legs bent with heels touching the floor.  Your feet are flexed, balancing one pole on top of your ankles (see picture). Place your hands on the ground between your legs and press.  Lift your legs up off the floor as high as you can, engaging your abs to do so.  Hold that position for as long as you can, taking breaks when you need to.  Keep going for 1 minute.

- Repeat round 3 two more times - 

And now for the fun part...

WIN A PAIR of BungyPump Walking Poles!

BungyPump Walking Poles Giveaway!

That's right!  You can win a pair for yourself!  The poles themselves range in price depending on the resistance you choose, but the ones seen here (the Walkathlon line) are priced at $135, so I'm excited to be able to offer a pair for free to a lucky reader!  This is a raffle-style giveaway (entry options are below), and the winner will be announced May 17th!  Good luck to you all and I hope you enjoy the workout!

[Update] 15% off BungyPump Poles with code INFITINHEALTH

The giveaway might be over (congratulations to Sonya!), but I'm not leaving you guys empty handed.  Use code INFITINHEALTH to get 15% off ANY BungyPump pole set!  Click here to check out the different styles, and make sure to check back in and let me know how you like them!

Readers: chat with me!  Do you do a lot of active/outdoor walking?  Do you use walking poles?  Have you ever "thought outside the box" when it comes to exercise equipment (if so, what have you used)?  What exercises would you do with the poles if you won them?

15-Minute Low Impact Legs & Glutes Workout (perfect for quiet spaces!)

15-Minute Low Impact Legs & Glutes Workout (perfect for quiet spaces!)

Before we get into today's workout, I want to welcome all new readers to the blog, especially those visiting today from the blog hop hosted by Kristy of Runaway Bridal Planner.  I am participating in a health & fitness blog hop this week, which is a fun way for bloggers to connect and learn more about each other.  Whether you're a brand new reader, or have been subscribed for a long time, I'm so happy you're here!  To make what's already a pretty long post a little bit shorter, I'd like to point you towards the re-introduction I gave back when I participated in this hop for the first time.  That post has been updated since it was written, however I encourage you to check out the About Page and Fun Facts to learn a bit more about me and the blog.

Okay, now onto the fitness!  Today's workout was inspired by recent travels where I wanted to work out, but didn't want to disturb the other house guests or neighbors with a lot of jumping around.  This lower body workout is perfect for quiet spaces like apartments, hotel rooms, or even just the next room in your house.  You don't need any equipment to do it, so it's great for doing at home or on the go, and it's only a quick 15 minutes.  Keep reading for the details!

15-Minute Low Impact Legs & Glutes Workout (perfect for quiet spaces!)

15-Minute Low Impact Legs & Glutes Workout

What You'll Need: just some floor space and an exercise mat if desired.
What You'll Do: go through each exercise for a total of 1 minute (broken up into various segments described below).  Repeat the 5 exercises 2 times through for the full 15-minute workout.

Lunge-to-Kick Sequence (30 seconds each leg) - start standing and step forward with your right leg into a forward lunge.  Get as low as you can.  Push yourself back up to standing and immediately do 1 front kick on the right leg.  Then step out to the right into a squat.  Push yourself back up and immediately kick that leg out into a side kick.  Now step your right foot back into a backward lunge, push back up, and do 1 back kick on the right.  Keep the pattern going on the right leg for 30 seconds, then switch to the left.

Square Pattern Squats with Lunges (15 seconds each position) - I think looking at the graphic for this one might be more helpful than words since this description is lengthy, so bear with me.  Picture an imaginary square on the floor.  In each corner, you're holding a low squat with your legs and feet together.  The horizontal sides are wide stance squats, and the vertical sides are lunges (the leg that's forward in the lunge is the one that's on the outside of the square).  Each position is held for 15 seconds, for a total of 2 minutes.  So, for example, start in the top right corner of the square and hold a squat for 15 seconds with your feet and legs together.  Next, step out to the left into a wide stance squat and hold for 15 seconds.  Now bring the right foot in and hold a low squat for 15.  Step back with your right leg and hold a lunge for 15.  Step your left foot back into a low squat again and hold... so on and so forth until you complete the full square and wind up back in the top right corner (or wherever you started).  Feel the burn!

Runner Stance Heel Touches (30 seconds each leg) - fair warning: the burn creeps up on you in these babies!  Start in a runner's stance lunge - crouched down, finger tips lightly touching the ground, your right leg forward with all your weight on it, back leg extended back straight, toes lightly touching the floor with hardly any weight on that leg.  From here, and maintaining the crouched down position, bring your back leg forward so your left toes lightly touch your right heel.  Extend your left leg back out again, remembering not to shift any weight backwards as you do.  Keep bringing that left leg in and out for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

Side Plank Leg Lifts (30 seconds each side) - get into a low side plank on your elbow with your top leg bearing all the weight and your bottom leg extended slightly in front of you, foot flexed.  Maintaining a strong plank position, lift and lower your bottom leg.  Keep going for 30 seconds on one side, then switch to the other.

Inside Knee Press + Pulse + Hold (10/10/10 x 2 each side) - this move involves very little actual movement, but you'll feel it in your leg adductors (inner thigh muscles) all the same.  Lie on your back with your left leg extended out straight (foot hovering over the floor for some abdominal engagement), and your right leg bent to 90˚.  Put your left hand on the inside of your right knee.  Staying in this position, press your hand into your knee and your knee back into your hand (both adding resistance to the other).  Press for 10, then pulse the movement (small quick presses) for 10 seconds, then hold the press for 10 seconds.  Repeat that once more on the right leg, then switch to the left.

Remember to go through that one more time for the full 15-minute workout.

Readers: chat with me!  How often do you train your legs?  Do you incorporate more plyometric/cardio components to your leg training or do you stick with strength training (or a combo)?  What are some of your favorite bodyweight leg exercises?  If you are new to the blog, how do you like it?  Any workouts that you might try?